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Parkridge Medical Center ER Nurses Help Keep Homeless Chattanoogans Warm

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. – In an effort to help the Chattanooga-area homeless stay warm this winter, Parkridge ER nurses have continued their homeless outreach program by making scarves to donate to the Community Kitchen and hosting a Winter Clothing/Blanket Drive in their department.

During the colder months of the year, the Parkridge Medical Center ER treats a number of homeless individuals suffering hypothermia, frostbite and other effects of cold exposure, in part because of a lack of warm clothing. “Cold weather can be a serious danger for homeless people, even here in the South,” notes Robin Marsh, Parkridge ER director. “A lack of adequate clothing or warm shelter can put a person’s life at risk, especially if he or she is in poor health to begin with.”

The Parkridge nurses have created dozens and dozens of scarves during weekend ‘Cutting Parties’ at each others’ homes, enjoying the chance to socialize as they craft the accessories from bolts of fleece. The team also works on making scarves during brief periods of downtime in the ED. They plan to deliver their creations - along with the donated coats, hats, gloves and blankets - to the Community Kitchen in the coming days.

“We hope that our efforts will be able to help many of Chattanooga’s homeless,” says nurse Malena Condon, one of the founders of the Parkridge ER’s homeless outreach initiative. “When we began this project back in the summer, we knew we wanted to make it a year-round effort that addressed needs according to the season. We’ve got a great momentum going, which is really important because there are so many people that need help.”

For more information about the Parkridge ER homeless outreach, contact Alison Counts at (423) 495-1835.