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Volunteer spotlight: Chaplain Jeff Elmore

Chaplain Jeff Elmore serves patients, their families, and our Parkridge colleagues in a special way as a volunteer chaplain.

April 23, 2024
Volunteer Chaplain Jeff Elmore.

Volunteers play an important role at any hospital, and, at Parkridge Medical Center, Chaplain Jeff Elmore serves patients and their families in a special way.

A volunteer chaplain since 2022, Chaplain Jeff is always looking for ways to be of service to those who are at the hospital, whether they be patients, family, or medical professionals.

When asked what he enjoys about serving such a demanding role, he is quick to answer.

“To be here, to help, and to be of service,” he offers summarily.

Jeff wasn’t always in the ministry, however. A former professional musician and retired postmaster, he came to his faith in his mid-30s and set out to be of service any way he could, which brought him to Parkridge Medical Center in 2019.

“We started with a food ministry to offer food to families who were waiting on patients here at the hospital about five years ago,” he shares.

They continued through the pandemic as best they could before he was offered the chance to come on as a volunteer chaplain in 2022.

It’s not just Parkridge Medical Center where you can find Jeff making a difference through the medical field as he has taken numerous medical mission trips to Guatemala, Mexico, and the Philippines as well.

Thank you Jeff for all you do for our colleagues, patients, and their families!

If you would like to become a volunteer at Parkridge Health System, visit our Parkridge Health Volunteer page.

April 23, 2024