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Sibling Rivalry 101

Welcoming a new bundle of joy to the family is always exciting. However, the new addition might be harder on some—like the first child. Your child has previously always had your attention, and now a new brother or sister is coming into the mix.

However, it can still be a joyous time for all! Here are some tips on how you can make a smooth transition from having one child to having two children, especially when it comes to your firstborn.

Preparing for Baby No. 2

While pregnant with baby No. 2, it is important to try to include your firstborn however you can so that he or she feels like a part of the process.

From being in a picture to share the news of a new addition to having him or her come to baby appointments with you, there are a variety of ways you can involve your firstborn, which can help him or her start to feel more comfortable and excited about having a sibling.

There Will Be Questions—Just Wait!

While you might feel a need to instantly share as much as possible about the new arrival with your child, it can sometimes be better to wait on questions he or she may have.

Otherwise, you might make a statement or say something that might not even cross your child's mind, such as “You are just as loved as the new baby.” The thought of your love changing might not even be a concern for your child, but you went ahead and put it out there.

So wait for your firstborn to ask the questions. Then, if there are questions about whether you'll have enough love for both kids, you can tell him or her that your love is unlimited and is for both your firstborn and second child.

Enjoy the Time as a Family of 3

Of course, during your pregnancy, there are going to be moments of fatigue. Be sure to take those days you need just to rest and take it easy.

However, on the days you feel more energy than usual, try to spend quality time with your firstborn. From having movie dates to taking a trip to the zoo, just making time to spend quality time together as a family of three before the baby arrives will be meaningful to not just you, but your firstborn, too!

Are you welcoming a new addition to the family? Visit Parkridge East to learn about what we have to offer for moms and babies.