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Parkridge Valley Offers Tips on Helping Loved Ones Cope With Post-Holiday Depression

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. – Parkridge Valley counselors understand why many people feel blue following the holidays. “Visits with loved ones have ended, the house looks bare after decorations are taken down and packed up, bills for gifts have started coming in…it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and depressed,” notes Farlie Chastain, Adult Services Manager for Parkridge Valley.

Symptoms of depression may manifest themselves in different ways, according to Chastain. “Everyone is different, and depression is not always as simple as being sad.” Chastain notes, “Some people become exhausted and sleep more than usual, while others may find themselves unable to sleep. Depression can also cause a person to have difficulty concentrating or become especially irritable.”

Someone who has demonstrated a sudden significant lack of interest in intimacy or in activities that were once pleasurable may also be depressed. Chastain encourages loved ones to reach out to a family member or friend exhibiting symptoms of depression. “Don’t be afraid to share your concerns with your loved one,” he says. “Sometimes it makes all the difference to a person to know that someone cares enough about them to notice their behavior.”

If the depression is significantly impacting a person’s quality of life, it may be time to seek professional help. “Depression can be a debilitating condition with serious consequences, and it is better to risk someone’s anger by suggesting that they seek help for their condition than to keep silent – even if it makes someone mad, they’ll still know you care and it is worth it if he or she ends up taking that advice. It is not always good to ‘mind your own business’.”

Parkridge Valley offers a 24-hour RESPOND phone line that is staffed by medical professionals who can provide confidential mental health assessments and provide referrals to appropriate resources. For more information, call (423) 499-2300.